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Video Marketing for Businesses ~ Which Videos Should You Produce Yourself?

Which videos are you going to be successful doing 
yourself or perhaps even having your customers do   for you? Hi Taylor here at Financial Potion where 
video is your financial potion, and to never miss   out on a video, please make sure you subscribe 
to our channel and click on that bell so you're   notified every Friday at 5 pm Arizona time that 
a new video has been uploaded. For one to one   training or just to support our content, please 
click above and connect with us on our Patreon   page. When you're looking at your full video 
marketing campaign, there's going to be videos   that you should really put a budget towards. 
However there's also going to be videos that   you can get away with really doing on your own or 
even asking your customers and clients to produce.   The two types of videos that really can almost 
benefit having more of a DIY look are SSME videos.   Those are those search and subject matter expert 
videos; those are those basic tips, those are just   those continued connections and reminders to 
people that you know what you're talking about   and that you're still very active in your 

This also really helps with the search   result of those keywords when you post them on 
your website, and across social media platforms,   and YouTube. the second type of video that could 
really benefit from having a more DIY look or even   getting your customers and clients to do on their 
own are the testimonials and reviews. The more   user generated testimonials and reviews look, the 
more believable they are, the more people connect   and resonate with them because they see and feel 
a real person sharing their story.

And so I highly   encourage to ask your customers and clients to 
create their own testimonial videos and even if   it's just done on their phone vertically, maybe 
even a little shaky, with just a little bit of   editing it's going to come across so good because 
not only is it going to look real, you can still   give it a little bit of a professional polish 
when it comes to editing. So when you're looking   at your budget ,and you know you can't afford to 
have everything done professionally, remember SSME   videos and testimonials you may actually benefit 
from just having them a DIY- kind-of-look. If you   have any questions about this topic, please don't 
hesitate to leave them in the comments below..

As found on YouTube