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How To Plan A Video Production For Your Business Success

How to plan a video? Hi Taylor here with
Financial Potion where video is your financial potion. To never miss out on
one of our new videos please make sure you subscribe to our channel and click on
the bell to get notified when a new video is uploaded. If you're looking for
one-to-one training, please click above and connect with us on our patreon page. When we're working with clients a lot of people ask, "how do I even start planning
a video?" Well you always want to think with the end in mind. Where are you going
to be posting this video? Are you going to be posting on Instagram so you want
to be within 60 seconds or less? What is the demographic of the people that are
going to be seeing this video? That will also make a difference on the length and
the information that should be shown and how it should be shown. So always
think about what is that end goal, where do you want to place this video, and who
is going to be seeing the video.

Now that you have that end goal in mind it's time
to jump to scripting. Scripting is super important because it allows you to have
a plan. It's like an architect going into a building with a blueprint. If they
don't have the blueprint, a lot of bad things can happen, and a lot of things
can get missed and so you want to make sure that you look at that end goal, but
then you create a script a plan that's going to then reach that end goal, and so
if you know for example you want your video to be 60 seconds, on average
that's going to be a hundred fifty words.

So beyond just the verbal written
explanation of it you want to start thinking visually. What's visually going
to be on there? And so we help our clients create this visual script that
not only will explain what's going to be heard but what's going to be shown. You
want to be able to have a full map on paper so then that way when it comes to
production time you already have your shot list together and then when it
comes to editing time you already have all your edit notes together on what
graphics need to be created and what needs to be shown when. So when you're
creating a video and you need to create a plan for your video.

Think about the
end first who is going to see it, how are you going to share that video
and then create a script that will reflect that end plan. Once again if you
want some one-to-one training on this if you want to talk about your particular
video please click above and connect with us on our patreon page for some
really economical options to get one-to-one training and until next week
stay engaging..

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