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💲💰💲10 best passive income ideas for 2020 – How to make MONEY online

10 best passive income ideas for 2020
how to make money online okay so you've heard about it right you
actually have an income coming in and you don't have to
do anything and you say yeah that's what i want that's what i want to do
i want money to come in without doing any work in this video
i will show you 10 ways you can have pretty much passive income and we're
starting right now hey I'm J.R. Fisher thank you for
visiting my channel i appreciate you being here
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free course i want to give you it's a 97 course it's in the description below
click the link and grab that course super good course give you some overview
on how to make money online now let's jump into this thing first off what is
passive income we hear passive income all the time
and people tout passive income but basically what is it
now true passive income is i guess you would put money in the bank
and you'd get an interest rate back and uh unfortunately it would be too low
okay so true passive income like that doesn't work as well
so then people say well i want to do passive income i'll buy stocks and bonds
and derivatives or whatever the heck all
that stuff is and i guess you could do that if you had a ton of money
but this video is more for people who don't have a ton of money to invest
who don't want to go out and buy a car wash and pay somebody to run it and they
collect money on it every month this is more for people who want to
generate some money who don't already have a ton of money
to invest this video is for you now if you think about
passive income you also have to think of the flip side which is active
income what is active income active income is you provide a service or you
do something you know your your sales rep at a car dealership and
you sell cars you get paid for selling those cars or you're a bartender and you
make drinks or you wait on tables and you serve people food and as you do
these tasks as you perform these tasks you make money active income there's a
lot of variation between passive and active and
i guess there's really no such thing as real true passive
because you have to do something to get it started you're gonna have to buy the
stocks or you're gonna have to pay somebody to run
that business so you're you're involved a little bit but you don't have to do
the actual work for the money that's coming in every
single day now the first i'm gonna tell you is really
the first thing i started doing and i'm going to call it passive i mean you have
to do some work but it's selling items on ebay
but if you think about it if you list a bunch of items on ebay in the middle of
the night you could be making money and you aren't physically doing
anything whatsoever so you could do that garyvee actually did a video to prove to
people that anybody can make money on ebay and he actually
went out to garage sales and had somebody follow him around
and he bought things at garage sales and he put him up on ebay and he sold him
for more than what he paid for him okay so
you can actually physically do this and if you were to do it that way if you
were to go out to these garage sales these thrift stores
he even did it to a dollar store he went in a dollar store bought some stuff for
a dollar sold it for five dollars um but if you
were to do this you could make a income you could make
money coming in every single day if you want to do this
um is it more work than some things yes however it can be done
so if you're sitting there now you're saying i don't have a job i have an
income i've got unemployment it's about to run out
that is something you could do okay it's going to take some effort but it's
something you could do the next thing i have on my list and
something i really enjoy doing is creating
a course create a course online and teach somebody something
you know everybody's got some type of skill
and i'm always going to get a portion of the people watching where my videos go i
don't have any skills at all i have nothing i'm an
empty shell you probably do have some skills but
let's say that that is the truth you know
nothing you could go to youtube which is where you are now
and you could learn some skills in anything in building websites
and graphics and photography whatever you want there's videos on youtube that
will teach you that thing so let's say you don't have a skill
you could learn something now you could also
actually go buy a course on what it is that you want to do a course on or two
of them or three of them or whatever watch those courses and do another
course similar to them you've got that information there now don't copy their
course but you could certainly do that so
selling a course online is a great way to do it i've done it i
have several courses i'm always looking to do another course because
the more courses i have out there the more money of course i'm gonna make so
number two is create a course number three
is sell stock photos there's a lot of websites out there like istockphoto what
are some of the other ones i wrote down here
uh deposit photos there's a lot of websites out there that you can actually
sell your photos and you don't actually sell
them to the site you put them on the site
and when somebody pays that company to download your photos
you actually make a commission so you could you could take you know 100
pictures or a thousand pictures put them on one of these sites
or many of these sites there's the key put it on a lot of different sites
and have money coming in on a consistent basis and you do nothing for it they
just send you money so that's another thing
you can do that's number three number four
is start an affiliate marketing website now what is an affiliate marketing
website affiliate marketing website is a site that you drive
traffic to and you have links on that website that go out to products
that you have an affiliation with and you get money now that sounds really
complicated but let me break it down let's say you started a website and it
was about reviews of kitchen appliances okay let's
say that's what you want to do reviews of kitchen appliances
so you started a website and you started reviewing
uh let's say blenders okay so you reviewed five different blenders
and you talked about what each different blender would do and at the end of the
review there was a link an amazon link which you can get for
free you can sign up for amazon's affiliate
marketing link and there's a link to every single one of them when somebody
clicks on one of those blenders and they buy that blender or they buy anything
within the next 48 hours on ebay they are cookied
and you get a commission so that's one way you could do that an affiliate
marketing site and all you're really doing is reviews
and having links to products on there number five is design your own t-shirts
uh t-shirt sales have really skyrocketed there's a lot of sites you can do it on
these are print on demand and what i mean by that is you don't have to buy
any inventory you just design the t-shirt
you put the design on the t-shirt and you put it on your website you post it
on social media whatever you want to do when somebody actually clicks and buys
you pay whatever the cost of that shirt is maybe it's
ten dollars you're selling it for 20 that other 10 comes back to you
and it's passive because you could be selling t-shirts all day long and you
don't have to ship them out that's the cool thing about print on demand
is if you're doing print on demand as you design these t-shirts and as they're
getting sent out you do nothing you do nothing literally nothing at this
point because when they click it's going to go to your print-on-demand store it's
going to send the order to printify or whoever that print on
demand company is that you're using and they're going to package it up
they're going to ship it out to the customer and they're going to pay you
that commission and you literally do nothing but design
the t-shirts and put them out there and get them in front of people so it's a
great way to make some money and you can do
shirts and mugs and shower curtains and wall hangings and pillows and spreads
and you can do whatever you want on these
places because it's not printed up until somebody actually buys it
number six is peer to peer lending now this truly is an investment that
is passive has some risk to it but there's a lot of sites now that make
small loans to people it could be fifty dollars could be a hundred dollars could
be five hundred dollars and these people couldn't get money uh
in traditional ways so they go to these peer-to-peer lending
sites now they pay um you if you invest your money because
they're going to lend your money out to these people up to 10
percent so you get anywhere from five to ten percent
off these little micro loans that you're doing let's run over to one of those
sites real quick let me show it to you okay here i am at a review site right
now it says best peer-to-peer lending sites for borrowers and investors
and i just want you to check it out and look at what all's here
because i want to scroll through it the first one is lending club so you could
go to lending club next one is pure form next one is
upstart we've got street shares which is for small
businesses we've got funding circle for small businesses and we've
got kiva and i will put this particular link in
the uh description below but each one of these has a rating on it
and it shows you you know what high risk is
it shows you what type of loans they make and you can just go through this
list and check it out but it has each one of these sites i'm talking about
now this isn't the only place that you could do peer-to-peer lending
but these are some of the best places so you may want to check that out if you
want to have some passive income from that
next one number seven is creating a blog or
website uh blogs are awesome people love to read blogs they love to go through
them this could be a vlog a video blog it
could be a written blog and in those blogs you may be talking
about different products you're going to put
a link in there an affiliate link to that product which you set up with that
company in advance and as people buy those
items you actually get payments from those people
so you want to pick a popular niche such as fitness
or health or dating relationships any of those things
you know self-improvement are really really good niches to write a blog on a
lot of people have made a lot of money on blogs
it's going to take some time you're going to need to get traction you're
going to need to do seo on this blog however it is passive income because
once you've written these blogs the more you write the more you make
uh it's out there forever okay and people can click on these things and
actually you can make money off of article you
wrote next one is number eight e-commerce
passive active a little bit of both okay but it is pretty passive now i have
e-commerce site and i have employees that you know help
me with that e-commerce site and i don't have to physically package
up anything because we have a warehouse that ships it out
i don't have to process orders because we have that all automated
so you know i can be asleep at night and make several thousand dollars you know
when i wake up in the morning which is nice
and that is a great way to make money now you can do it even if you don't have
products by using drop shipping you can use something like aliexpress
you can set up a shopify store and use aliexpress and integrate it and
so that when when people put in the orders all you
have to do is click accept order and it's going to send that order to
aliexpress they're going to ship it out and your customer gets the product and
you didn't have to do anything but a couple clicks so e-commerce is really
good i've been in e-commerce since 2009 i'm in it today and you know i make a
lot of money off e-commerce i've made millions of dollars in e-commerce
so it is a really cool thing that you can do take some work to get it set up
but once you get it set up it makes you money every day now the
next one it's not as passive it's number nine it's sell your
skills you may have skills in a particular area
you can go to places like upwork you can go to places like rev and
rev is really one that you don't need any skills you really don't
you know you listen to somebody's you know book narration and you transcribe
it into words and that's what you do on rib has all kinds of different skills so
there's upwork they have all kinds of different skills in there so
you can go to either one of these sites check it out decide what you want to do
and make money on that and then the last one i have on there number 10
is affiliate marketing affiliate marketing affiliate marketing is
awesome i love affiliate marketing because somebody else makes a product
somebody else makes the sales pages somebody else you know sets up the sales
funnel and all you do is market the product and
you get paid a commission a great place to do this is clickbank
clickbank is an awesome place to do this because you can find the top selling
products at clickbank and when you do you can market these
products to people in particular niches you can run ads you
can put it in social media or whatever and when they buy you make money it's
really quite easy to do that you just have to follow the guidelines
do what you're supposed to do and you can make money by affiliate
marketing so that's a whole big long list of things that you can do to make
money online it's not that hard to do however you got to do a little work to
get started there's no such thing as truly passive because
the beginning of the passive income has to be done okay so if it's setting up a
website or it's you know e-commerce or whatever
it is initially you've got to do something to get that money coming in
but you know i enjoy it because i have
courses that are pretty passive now i make money every day off courses
i make money off of memberships i make money off of e-commerce
so all these things make me money on a daily basis and they're pretty much
passive at this point my wife has the same thing she has some dog training
she has books and these things make her money every single day
but it's because we put in the effort up front guys that's what i'm trying to
tell you put in the effort up front don't expect immediate results it
doesn't work that way you don't get immediate results
if you want immediate results you go work for somebody and they pay you a
little bit of money for you to do a task every day do you
want to do that it's been reported that 87 percent of the people in america
are in jobs they hate they don't want to be there they hate it
okay so if you're in that position then do some of these things to change it do
something to change it that's my biggest problem is getting somebody to actually
do something i've talked to people for years who are friends of mine who hate
their jobs who aren't making enough money or never with their family
whose health is declining and they still won't do anything
don't be like them don't be like you're better than them
aren't you i'm sure you are you wouldn't be watching this otherwise would you
i really appreciate you watching this put your comments below i want to hear
your stories what's going on with you you know have
you tried to make some money online you have other ideas that have worked if so
put those in the comments and you can help a lot of people out
don't forget i have a 97 course below you can get absolutely free
all you have to do is click and learn free
but it's for a limited time so don't miss out on that make sure you like give
me a thumbs up or thumbs down either give me one of these things down there i
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thank you so much for listening this video check out this video this is a
really good one you really want to build your business check out this video right
here i really appreciate you listening and
i'll see you in the next one

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